Ready to connect?
Next Steps
Everyone has a next step in their spiritual journey. Take the next step and grow in your faith. Explore the resources below to learn more about the Gospel as well as how you can follow Jesus, deepen your relationship with God, use your gifts to serve others, and connect to a spiritual family in church community and membership. We strive to get you connected with God and others because we believe that when people participate in ministry, exciting things happen. That’s why we invite you to connect with us at Karen Community Church.
Join a Life Group (Community Group)
Life groups are the heartbeat of the church. These home based fellowships meet regularly to study God’s Word, fellowship and support each other. The church provides spiritual and technical support to the Life Groups including capacity building for the leaders and Bible study material.
Become a Volunteer
We need hundreds of volunteers at Karen Community Church in order to most effectively serve as the body of Christ that God has called us to be. Click below to see our current needs and sign up where you can help. This list changes frequently so check back often.
Become a KCC Member
As soon as you decide to make KCC your church home, we would encourage you to pursue Membership. Becoming a member is a way to officially declare that this local church body is your church. It is also a way for the church to officially affirm you as part of this local church. Practicing church membership helps us to push back against the modern temptation to keep our faith private and to treat church as if we were merely consumers of a product, instead of members of Christ’s body. We offer a Membership Interest Class quarterly that covers our church’s history, beliefs, philosophy of ministry, and the role of membership. Attendance at that class is required before you can apply to become a member. Once you complete the class and submit your application, one of our Elders will schedule a time to connect and discuss your application with you. You are not required to be a member to participate or serve in most Chapel ministries, so please do not wait to become a member before getting plugged in to one of our Home Groups, Bible Studies, or any of the other various ministries or volunteer areas. There are a few key leadership areas (pastor/elder, home group leader, staff, etc.) that we limit to qualified members, to ensure that those leaders are on board with our beliefs and philosophy of ministry. Otherwise, while you wait on the next Membership Interest Class or as you figure out whether the Lord is calling you to pursue membership at KCC, we would encourage you to dive into ministry and see where He leads you.